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kID Film Project at Independents’ Day 2015

During the month of September in Columbus, Ohio, artists, and musicians of many forms come together for a 2 day celebration known as Independent’s Day. This year I was able to participate in many of the film events that took place. Overall there were four specific film events that happened at the festival on Saturday September 19th: The kID Film Project, The Experimentals: Pop-up Cinema, Moving Images at Independents’ Day, and Adaptations II; The Artist’s Hand.

kID Film projectkID Film Project 2

The kID Film Project was one of my own design that asked children, parents, and artists to participate in a hand-drawn 16mm animated film. The project consisted of a set of 16mm winders, some clear 16mm leader, and some sharpies. At the end of the day, I set up a 16mm projector and showed the film several times projected on the back wall of the Idea Foundry. The film was also digitized thanks to the OSU Film Studies Program and hosted online which you can see below.


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