Columbus In Cuba is a documentary film project that follows over 30 artist and supporters to Havana and Matanzas Cuba as they witness this neighboring country that has just recently become available to U.S. Citizens. The main concept of the film is the documentation of an art exhibition which combined artworks from both Columbus, Ohio and Cuban artists into a single show. The film asks viewers to follow a journey to a land that is rarely scene but is in the minds of almost every American, as multiple artists look at Cuba with imaginative eyes with a hope to build bridges and form connections that impact their lives and their creative careers long after returning home.
This film is produced by Nicolettecinemagraphics in cooperation with Reese Brothers Productions.
PARTICIPATING CENTRAL OHIO ARTISTS: Julie M. Abijanac, Laura Alexander *, Laine Bachman, Christopher Burk, Mark Bush, Gretchen Stevens Cochran, Amanda Hope Cook, David F. Cooke, Alan Cottrill, Adam Elkins, Barbara Fant, Frederick Fochtman, Tripp Fontane, Daric Gill, Deborah Griffing, Michael Guinane, Cody Heichel *, Sophie Knee, George Leach, Paul Linhares, Mike Major, Kathy L. McGhee, Cody F. Miller, Joey Monsoon, Jim Murrin, Eric Rausch, Aminah Robinson *, Stephanie Rond, Elsie Sanchez *, Antoinette Savage, Kathleen Seiler, Michael Seiler, Nancy Smeltzer, April Sunami, Tariq Tarey *, Barbara Vogel, Julie Woodrow, Pam Workman, Wil Wong Yee
* Invited to exhibit at ‘Intermittent Rivers’ the 13th Havana Biennial in Matanzas, Cuba
CURRATORIAL TEAM: Osmany Betancourt Falcon “Lolo”, Curator Michael Reese, Curator Ruthie Newcomer, Assistant Curator
SUPPORTERS: Jorge David Falcon Acosta, Luis Alcalde, Amor Campos, Maria Magdalena Campos-pons, City of Columbus, Columbus City Council, Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus Cultural Arts Center, Columbus Museum of Art, COSI, Loann Crane, Rob & Shannon Crane, Crane Group, Omar Diaz, Osmany Betancourt Falcón (Lolo), Jerry Friedman, Rick Gallagher, Greater Columbus Arts Council, Tom Havens, Hilton Columbus Downtown, Ruthie Newcomer, Ohio Arts Council, Pizzuti Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, Jose Rodriguez, Tatiana Rodriguez, Priscilla Tyson, Ediciones Vigia, Selene Wendt, Octavio Zaya
You can now watch Columbus in Cuba on Amazon!
Now you can learn more about the Columbus in Cuba project, the artists who participated and the lessons they learned about travel, culture and art through Amazon prime.
Columbus in Cuba has received the following acknowledgments.
2022 Award Winner – Documentary – Spotlight Documentary Film Awards
2021 Finalist – Documentary Feature – SoCal Film Awards
2021 Official Selection – Boden International Film Festival
2020 Official Selection – Montreal Independent Film Festival